You did not click 'Continue' to display results based on criteria changes you may have made. If you did not make any changes to your criteria then just click 'Close Anyway' and you will be returned to your search results. Otherwise, click 'Continue' and the search results will be displayed based on your changes.
When you click on a listing, you can select the button in the bottom left corner to add that listing to the Print, Email and Directions Queue. On the icon you just clicked to see this, you will see the 0 change to a 1 and increment by 1 for every additional listing you add.
Once you have added all the listings you want to print, email or get directions to, you can click the button with the number on it and a pop up window will display showing you all your selections. You can then select the Print, Email or Directions button at the bottom of the dialog.
When you are done you can select 'Clear List' to remove all the listings in the list and start over or click 'Cancel' to close the dialog and leave all the listings you added in the queue.